Recorded: June 28, 2022
NXP and Memfault have collaborated to give IoT device manufacturers in-field device monitoring, crash reporting, and updating capabilities for faster product development, improved device operation, and reduced direct resource costs.
Together, Memfault and NXP are helping IoT developers build smart cities, smart homes, IIoT, and automotive devices to save time and ease the worry of triaging and troubleshooting, allowing them to focus on building value-added features.
Watch this webinar to learn how to:
Kyle Dando is passionate about helping engineers learn how to use the tools required for their embedded designs. At NXP, Kyle is focused on improving the ways that enablement software is delivered. He is partnering with Memfault to simplify how customers get started adding remote diagnostics to their NXP projects. He holds Computer and Electrical Engineering degrees from Purdue University and Santa Clara University. His work experience includes hardware and software design, and teaching countless customer events on various embedded design tools.
Devon Yablonski partner development at Memfault, growing an ecosystem that makes embedded observability more accessible to IoT product OEMs. Before Memfault, Devon held roles in engineering and product in the Defense industry and has personal interests in smart building technology, experiences that drove his passion to make embedded devices more reliable and upgradeable. Devon has an MSc in Computer Engineering from Northeastern and a Boston College MBA.