About the presentation

With their original products in the market, Diamond Kinetics relied on customer reports with little detail to fix issues in the field. They soon realized that this process of “psychic debugging” sensors in the wild was not enough and even delayed release dates as they tried perfecting each device before shipment. When they decided to launch a new generation of their product in 2020, they knew they needed a more efficient process.

In this video, the presenters walk through the importance of integrating a device observability and debugging solution like Memfault into your IoT device starting with development before you even ship. Having this data at the beginning will reduce engineering and support overhead and shorten time-to-market giving you more confidence than ever before when launching a new product.

With Memfault, Diamond Kinetics now has stack traces allowing for quicker issue detection and resolution. Mike walks through an example of how his team was able to fix a bug causing connectivity problems with only an embedded sensor and limited resources over a Bluetooth connection to a mobile app without spending months of trial-and-error tracking down and reproducing the issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to proactively monitor your devices
  • How to debug issues remotely and more efficiently
  • How to ship better IoT products while shortening time-to-market

About the Speakers

mike ressler

CTO, Diamond Kinetics

Mike Ressler

Mike Ressler is the Chief Technical Officer at Diamond Kinetics where he is responsible for the design, implementation, and technical direction of all of Diamond Kinetics products and offerings. Prior to joining Diamond Kinetics, he was the Founder and CEO of StatEasy, a sports statistics and video company that made searching inside of game video a breeze. Mike is also on the board of Community Human Services, a local non-profit that believes that everyone has value and should have a place to call home. A native of East Brunswick, New Jersey, Mike holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.


Founder & CEO, Memfault

François Baldassari

François Baldassari is the Founder and CEO of Memfault. An embedded software engineer by trade, it was his powerful passion for tooling and automation in software engineering that drove him to start Memfault. Previous to Memfault, he ran the firmware team at Oculus and built the operating system at Pebble. François has a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Brown.

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