About the panel

Launching an IoT product is a complex process that requires more than just firmware development. One of the most significant challenges that companies face is ensuring that all of the necessary components are in place before the product can be shipped. This could involve building an OTA server, developing customer support flows for reporting bugs, implementing manufacturing tests, FCC testing, designing a release process, acquiring the necessary certifications, and more.  

Our panel of embedded engineering experts has decades of experience building complex IoT products for successful launches across different industries. They’ve seen and triaged countless issues and will provide you with insights they’ve learned throughout their careers. Watch the discussion to learn everything it takes to successfully ship a new embedded device.  


Phillip Johnston_Headshot

Founder, Embedded Artistry

Phillip Johnston

Phillip Johnston is the founder of Embedded Artistry, an embedded systems consulting and education firm. Their mission is to bring embedded software development out of the dark ages and to help teams produce high-quality systems in a complex, fast-paced, rapidly changing world.

Co-founder, Memfault

Tyler Hoffman

Tyler Hoffman is a Co-founder of Memfault and an embedded engineer with a passion for improving the productivity of development teams. Tyler is now a co-founder and engineer at Memfault and previously worked at Fitbit and Pebble as a firmware developer.

Embedded Software Engineer, Logical Elegance

Elecia White

Elecia White is a principal embedded software engineer, author of O’Reilly’s Making Embedded Systems and host of the weekly Embedded.fm podcast.  Her resume includes children’s toys, a DNA scanner, inertial measurement units, Fitbit, and a gunshot location system.

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