About the White Paper

With more devices in the field than ever before, it is becoming increasingly more important to be able to pinpoint issues and ship fixes quickly. Having a system to do so, whether built in house or bought off the shelf, is necessary in today’s IoT landscape. 

This white paper explores key considerations when selecting tools and systems for your IoT development stack, along with common challenges organizations face when building in-house solutions for monitoring and updating device fleets. Learn how investing in a purpose-built, widely utilized, and continuously evolving platform for device observability and OTA updates gives organizations an edge in this hyperscale IoT race. This paper covers several areas including:

  • Key Considerations: Understand the pros and cons of building your IoT solutions versus buying from specialized vendors.
  • Cost and Efficiency Analysis: Detailed breakdowns of costs and resource allocation for both options.
  • Time-to-Market Implications: How each approach impacts your development timeline and delivery speed.

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